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Ajayi, S O, Oyedele, L O, Kadiri, K O, Akinade, O O, Bilal, M, Owolabi, H A and Alaka, H A (2016) Competency-based measures for designing out construction waste: Task and contextual attributes. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 23(04), 464-90.

Carbonara, N, Costantino, N and Pellegrino, R (2016) A transaction costs-based model to choose PPP procurement procedures. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 23(04), 491-510.

Ho, P H K (2016) Labour and skill shortages in Hong Kong’s construction industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 23(04), 533-50.

Loosemore, M and Lim, B T-H (2016) Intra-organisational injustice in the construction industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 23(04), 428-47.

Lu, W, Zhang, L and Bai, F (2016) Bilateral learning model in construction claim negotiations. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 23(04), 448-63.

Manley, K and Chen, L (2016) The impact of client characteristics on the time and cost performance of collaborative infrastructure projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 23(04), 511-32.

Upstill-Goddard, J, Glass, J, Dainty, A and Nicholson, I (2016) Implementing sustainability in small and medium-sized construction firms: The role of absorptive capacity. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 23(04), 407-27.